Contact the respective committee chair for the appropriate committee.
The Board of Directors meets every third Tuesday of the month at 7 PM.
The House Committee meets every first Tuesday of the month at 7 PM.
All other committees meet on a needs basis.
Accident Prevention: Walter Weishaar
Americanism: John Connors
Auditing: Kieth Hilken (PER)
Board Of Directors: Gloria Tyler
Drug Awareness: Bob Mohrle
Elks Memorial Day: Jim LaManna
Elks National Foundation: Gloria Tyler
Father’s Day: Gloria Tyler
Flag Day: Elizabeth Groves
Government Relations: Marilee Mills (PER)
Grants: Becky Soto
Hall Rental: Jeff Siegel
Harry Anna Fund: Gloria Tyler
House/Entertainment: Barbara Rodgers (PER)
Membership: Becky Soto
Mother’s Day: John Connors
Orientation: Barbara Rodgers (PER)
Public Relations: Barbara Rodgers (PER)
Scholarship: Gloria Tyler
Veterans Services: Marge Smith
Youth Activities: Ron Butler
Grand Lodge VAVS Representative: Marge Smith
Deputy Grand Lodge VAVS Representative: Marilee Mills (PER)
The New Port Richey Elks Lodge 2284 believes in patriotism, charity, justice, brotherly love, and fidelity.
Promoting the welfare of its members, serving people and our community through benevolent programs.
7201 Congress St, New Port Richey Florida 34653
Office: (727) 849-5192 Lounge: (727) 846-8012
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New Port Richey Lodge 2284 is a Fraternal Organization established to promote Charity, Justice, Brotherly Fellowship and Fidelity to recognize the belief in God and to promote welfare of its members, to serve people and communities through benevolent programs. Fundraising, charities, community outreach, and other programs is protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please read our Full Disclosure for important details.
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New Port Richey Elks Lodge 2284, 7201 Congress St, New Port Richey, Florida 34653, United States
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