

Let's Build The Better
Community Together

Promoting Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity

get involved

let's make a difference today

become a volunteer

Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence and life satisfaction. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity.

Ways to support

Explore the many ways you can support the New Port Richey Elks. Being able to support helps you achieve a greater sense of personal satisfaction and growth, it feels good to help others.

become a Member

Joining the New Port Richey Elks creates opportunities for meaningful connections. These lasting friendships provide for a family atmosphere with good times. 

0 +
Money Raised
$ 0 M

about us

Our work Promise To Uphold The Trust Placed

The New Port Richey Elks Lodge #2284 believes in patriotism, charity, justice, brotherly love, and fidelity. Promoting the welfare of its members, serving people and our community through benevolent programs.



of experience


donate to a charity campaign around our community

wreaths across america





deadline date

December 1, 2025

funds raised 3%
what we do elks national foundation





deadline date

January 7, 2026

funds raised 15%


Fundraising For The People And Causes You Care About

Sign up to receive notifications for our upcoming fundraising events. We provide a wide range of shows, concerts, and other venues that have fabulous performers, amazing food, and good times.

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upcoming events

Check out our events for more info



The suspense and thrills are to die for. Catered by Carrabba’s. The performance will be second to none!



Three phenomenal comedians will have you laughing and having a good time! A food truck will be here to provide delicious food too! 

PRide & satisfaction

Volunteer Opportunities




Help with planning, decorating, setting up, operating, and other tasks that are associated with fundraising events.
kitchen volunteer


Kitchen Help

Contribute with planning, preparing, cooking, serving, and cleaning meal service for our events.
new port richey elks charities


More Opportunities

There are endless areas that you can help. These range from landscaping to grant applications.

insights and update

Our recent news

Cruises For Scholarships

The Rotary Club of Seven Springs is teaming up with the New…

Keepin It Country For Charity

Membership is not required as this is a fundraising and membership drive…

get involved

we've funded 1,000+ charity projects with over $1,500,000 of funds for our local community

The New Port Richey Elks Lodge 2284 believes in patriotism, charity, justice, brotherly love, and fidelity.

Promoting the welfare of its members, serving people and our community through benevolent programs.  

Contact Information

7201 Congress St, New Port Richey Florida 34653

Office: (727) 849-5192                Lounge: (727) 846-8012


Lodge Location

Copyright © 2025 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, New Port Richey Lodge 2284. All rights reserved.

This website is operated and maintained by Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, New Port Richey Lodge 2284 Inc. as a 501(c)8 with the IRS and is governed by its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

New Port Richey Lodge 2284 is a Fraternal Organization established to promote Charity, Justice, Brotherly Fellowship and Fidelity to recognize the belief in God and to promote welfare of its members, to serve people and communities through benevolent programs. Fundraising, charities, community outreach, and other programs is protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please read our Full Disclosure for important details.

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New Port Richey Elks Lodge 2284, 7201 Congress St, New Port Richey, Florida 34653, United States