We answer the most frequently asked questions about us here. Of course, if you don’t see your question listed here, you can reach out to us by using the form.
If you want to reach out to us, this website page has all our contact information.
We used to have RV sites for Elk members. Unfortunately we no longer have this amenity.
To see when we are open, click here for our event calendar. Search for the event or activity you are looking for. If the Lounge is open, we have volunteer staff on premises.
We rent our large hall to non-members. To get more information and to schedule a tour, visit this page.
We get this question a lot! So much so, we created a separate page to answer it in detail. Just click here to read what we do.
Fill out this form to send us an email with your questions. We’ll get back in touch with you as soon as we can!
"Curious to know more about us? Here's the most commonly asked questions of the New Port Richey Elks Lodge."
While we offered bingo in the past, we no longer provide bingo activities to non-members. We do offer bingo every Monday to Elk members and their guests. It is a more relaxed and fun environment than a traditional bingo hall.
Excellent question! We have four types of access. “Members Only” is for only Elk members in good standing. “Members and Their Guests” are for Elk members and they may bring guests. “Membership Not Required” activities are open to non Elk members. “Private” events are for activities that a private party rented the Luikart Hall. You can view our event calendar here and search by event access.
You do not have to be an Elk member to volunteer with our fundraising and charity events. Go to this page and read over all the information pertaining to volunteering with us.
To become an Elk, simply visit this page and follow the steps. We’d be happy to have you join us!
The New Port Richey Elks Lodge 2284 believes in patriotism, charity, justice, brotherly love, and fidelity.
Promoting the welfare of its members, serving people and our community through benevolent programs.
7201 Congress St, New Port Richey Florida 34653
Office: (727) 849-5192 Lounge: (727) 846-8012
This website is operated and maintained by Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, New Port Richey Lodge 2284 Inc. as a 501(c)8 with the IRS and is governed by its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
New Port Richey Lodge 2284 is a Fraternal Organization established to promote Charity, Justice, Brotherly Fellowship and Fidelity to recognize the belief in God and to promote welfare of its members, to serve people and communities through benevolent programs. Fundraising, charities, community outreach, and other programs is protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please read our Full Disclosure for important details.
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New Port Richey Elks Lodge 2284, 7201 Congress St, New Port Richey, Florida 34653, United States