
What we do

what we do army of hope
Army Of Hope

We raise funds that help support active Military personnel and their dependents with their daily needs and return from deployments.

what we do youth camp
Florida Elks Youth Camp

Children are able to attend week long camps during the summer without electronic distractions with our help.

what we do children therapy
Children's Therapy

Children in need of additional home therapy services receive our help through numerous efforts.

what we do veterans
Veterans Groups

We help several local Veterans organizations through various efforts and activities like the Baldomero Lopez Veterans facility.

what we do local charities
Local Charities

Through various fundraising events we provide donations and other services for local organizations. These include the use of our facilities for their efforts.

what we do drug awareness
Drug Awareness

We provide numerous outreach programs that raise awareness and prevention efforts to help protect vulnerable groups. 

what we do elks national foundation
Elks National Foundation

The E.N.F. provides numerous community support functions that include scholarships, veteran services, and other projects.

what we do wreaths across america
Wreaths Across America

We remember and honor past veterans by participating in a wreath-laying ceremony every December at Meadowlawn Memorial Gardens.

Making An Impact In Our Local Community!

Not many people know the impact the New Port Richey Elks makes in our local community. Whether it's offering facility use for a local non-profit or raising funds for first responders, we are committed to helping others.
operation stand down

We help bring awareness while simultaneously raising funds through fundraising event. Every year Operation Stand Down provides much needed resources for local veterans.

the volunteer way

We give assistance to people caught in poverty. The Volunteer Way distributes over 6.5 million pounds of food every year to food pantries, veterans, and other groups.

pasco kids first
Pasco Kids First Children's Advocacy

Helping bring forward prevention and healing of children from child abuse and trauma through Healthy Families in Pasco and Hernando Counties.

Harmony Vet Care

Ensuring all pets receive medical care they deserve regardless of the owners financial means. Pets, considered family members, can lead healthy and loving lives through our fundraising and awareness efforts. 

healing with humor
Healing with Humor

Assisting in raising awareness and funds for the mission about Sickle Cell Anemia while improving lives and building a stronger, more supportive community.

pasco young marines
Pasco Young Marines

Providing various resources to assist the Pasco Young Marines in achieving their vision. This includes event hall access, fundraisers, and more.

The New Port Richey Elks Lodge 2284 believes in patriotism, charity, justice, brotherly love, and fidelity.

Promoting the welfare of its members, serving people and our community through benevolent programs.  

Contact Information

7201 Congress St, New Port Richey Florida 34653

Office: (727) 849-5192                Lounge: (727) 846-8012


Lodge Location

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New Port Richey Lodge 2284 is a Fraternal Organization established to promote Charity, Justice, Brotherly Fellowship and Fidelity to recognize the belief in God and to promote welfare of its members, to serve people and communities through benevolent programs. Fundraising, charities, community outreach, and other programs is protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please read our Full Disclosure for important details.

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New Port Richey Elks Lodge 2284, 7201 Congress St, New Port Richey, Florida 34653, United States